i am the extreme you will never reach,
the infinity you cannot see,
i am the depths you cannot measure,
i am the feeling you cannot explain,
i am the words you cannot pronounce,
i am the light you cannot see,
the darkness you cannot stand,
the stain you cannot wash,
i am the beauty you will never have,
the pleasure you always wanted,
the courage you lack,
i am the weakness in your bones,
i am the shortness in your breath,
the evil in your heart,
the pain in your chest,
i am the high you seek,
the low that you always are,
i am the inspiration you lack
, i am the rejection you feel,
the hole in your heart,
i am the spark you lack in your eyes,
i am the sadness you feel,
the ice in your heart,
i am the bite on your neck,
the cross on your chest,
the scar on your face,
i am your dreams,
your worst nightmare,
i am the ghost at night,
the shadow in your shadow,
i am the tint on your skin,
i am the desire of your life,
i am what you chase after,
i am beyond your wildest imagination,
i am the beat of your heart
, i am the one that wakes you up late at night,
i am the one that makes your hair stand on end,
i am what makes you different,
i am the one pulling you down,
i am the best part of your life,
i am what makes you cry at night,
i am the clouds in your brightest day,
the fear that lurks,
i am dismay,
your demons,
i am you........
i am whom i am...