Let's talk about being human.
Being cursed.
Was it the apple that Adam ate?
Was it of our own bringing?
We struggle so hard to overcome our true selves
Evade our inner nature,
So we spend decades building careers, religions, virtues, morals.
All in vain I say.
For what reason do we need these things.. to bring in more vanity?
Science, riches, power, money..
All vanity, yet its what we seek with all our hearts.
Driven by jealousy, hate, greed and lust.
This is the true human nature.
Given the gift of intelligence and all the curses that come with it,
The universe does not smile upon us. It mourns for us, we don't need the devil to ruin us we are already ruined by birth.
Yet as much as we try to fight back we cannot,
Most of us retreat. Live our lives in the shadows fulfilling our lusts and absurd virtues, we wait for death, to free us of this suffering,
Yet we mourn the dead, we become sad that the deceased will no longer fill our voids that demand filling with the lusts of the world, that he/she cannot feed our in born greed.
If this was brought by our original parents for eating the fruit.
Then it's too harsh a punishment, I'd rather be wiped off the earth than continue in this cocoon built by lies upon lies upon lies that our forefathers built to hide their sins. To be rid of their shame,
Yet unwillingly we are forced to continue its construction so that our sons and daughters can carry the family traditions..
Poor is the man who cannot see this for himself, even if he owned all the gold in the world, he'd be as blind as a bat..
And dead is the man who sees this filth but denies it in his heart,
For denying this is an insult to God..
So as you continue to fufill your grotesque needs, quench that undying thirst, for there's nothing left to do. Know you are the filth of the earth, the universe spits on you.. man cannot colonize the universe. It wil crush him. For what is he to the world but a fat rat who breeds in the masters kitchen? Soon he might be exterminated. But the world is every thing to man.
So as you see death and despair, do not shed a tear, for it is of your own making . You should be happy to see the tree your forefathers planted is finally bearing fruit and you are next in line vermin!!!