While I am not the meekest man in the world,
I know this much
Pride comes before a fall
But pride is such a big word
It’s like murder,
It’s the last thing anyone of us would like to be called,
Can one be proud and not know of it?
I am not sure
But the falling part
I am very sure about,
Maybe it’s due to the euphoria
The feeling of being ahead of your peers
Isn’t that pride?
But that’s what we chase after all our lives
Being ahead of the pack?
That’s sarcastic!
Animals that operate in packs care about the pack as a whole
There cannot exist pride in the ranks,
We desperately need approval from our peers,
Yet we always want to be ahead of them,
Never want them to be at par,
Pride, jealousy, all pages in the same book.
Moral dilemma?
I think not, I don’t know what causes this
But hey, let’s blame it on eve
That bitch cost everyone everything
So next time you think you aren’t proud,
Ask me, I won’t lie, I’ll tell you to your face.
But please don’t tell me if I am,
Because without your approval,
My self-esteem will drown.
And I with it,
For what is a man but his fellow men’s opinion of himself?