i thought maybe i dont write enough about myself,
im fixeted on how others affect my well being,
yet i claim to be trully indipendent,
act like i dont care what you think,
act like i am content with what i have,
its stupid to think that people just settle for less,
i want it all,
i am greedy,
i need your attention,
i crave more than your attention,
i desire your dominion,
and after i get it i still want more,
but its funny you want nothing from me,
you dont want my attention,
you dislike my passion,
you kill my advances,
you keep me like an inanimate object,
to be seen not to be felt.
i must be very selfish,
to want your heart and your body too,
gluttonous to want it all at the same time,
but greed is a common human vice,
the worst of its kind,
shallow in satisfaction with no real sense of accomplishment,
i am greedy because everyone out there is,
and if its not my drool thats all over you,
soon it will be another's,
because i cannot stand by
and let others take what i want,
its the most painful feeling in the world.