Thursday 5 March 2015

To a dear friend, in the direst of need

To a dear friend, in the direst of need,
It may feel wrong,
It may feel like it’s all over
It may seem that all hope is lost
But don’t lose hope in your self
Ignore the world and build your own
Seek not to derive happiness from others
But from your own heart
If it was big enough for two
It should last you two life times
I hope I bring much needed comfort
For you have been among the many reasons I smile
I laugh, I love,
Be brave my dearest,
Face and conquer the world,
And like alexander mourn when there is no more to conquer
You are the bravest of hearts,
The strongest of souls,
I cannot help you across this bridge,
You must do it on your own.
But if you trip, clench the misty air
And I will stretch my hand to hold you
I will not forsake you
And when you join me on the other side
We will celebrate,
Tales of the one who conquered the world
To become their own person
So don’t lose sight of the finish line
And most of all don’t look back.
Trod on look to the end
And if the bridge collapses
I will send out my eagles to rescue you
If you find a troll guarding the bridge
I will shoot a spear right through his heart.
And when you join me, the stars will shine for us both,
But the sun will blow for you, the earth will smile,
For you have conquered the world!!
Dearest friend.


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